пятница, 6 ноября 2009 г.

IVOT follow-up

IVOT 5min chart
Yesterday IVOT did open with a small gap (0.0041 vs previous close at 0.0040), so my self-imposed condition for maintaining interest in the stock was fulfilled. The stock made a new high in the first 30 minutes of trading then sold off. So the intra-day realistic 20% profit opportunity was there. From the volume however it looks like selling was not heavy; it seems that the majority of people who bought into the momentum on Nov 4th still hold the stock. Speaking of myself, I was about to buy in the first 5 min of trading -- only to realize, after checking my order, that the commission my broker would charge me would be outrageous (since the stock is very cheap, one needs to buy hundreds of thousands of shares or more and the brokers differ in how their fee structure works in such case, in particular with the OTC BB stocks).

So what did I learn? First, my screening the day before with very light analysis did deliver an actionable signal. Second, one needs to think about choosing a broker with the right commission structure for such plays.

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